

Bad weather policy

To all our wonderful customers:

When the weather service issues a storm warning, please plan ahead so you do not have a glass emergency.  Look at your supplies and come in while the driving is good to pick up what you need. 

We will not be open during storms because;

1.   My auto insurance deductible is higher than the value of my car. 

2.   Driving when conditions are hazardous is for emergencies only.  Be kind to the police, highway patrol, EMS people, snowplow operators, and tow truck operators.  Only go out for a true emergency.

3.   I am old enough and wise enough to know that wrecks hurt and are expensive.

4.   Paying for electricity, heat, and employee salaries while setting in an empty store during bad weather is really depressing.

5.   Paying for all that so one person can come in for $8 worth of glass is worse than depressing.

6.   I am getting old and my back hurts.  Shoveling snow is reserved for AFTER the storm is gone.

7.   Again, I am getting old and my back hurts.  Chipping ice during an ice storm makes me even crankier.

8.   We do not plow our lot until the sun shines and the temperatures are above freezing so it may be several days after a storm before we are open.

Thank you for your understanding.  Online shopping and the normal struggles of a small business has made this a challenging year.  We feel that we would be fiscally wise to save infrastructure money during bad weather so we can still be here when you need us.  IF it truly is a glass emergency, call me at 816-525-8088 and I will do my best to arrange to meet you here.  It takes me 32 minutes on good roads to get here so it may take a lot longer on bad roads.